I started this wild journey of self-publishing back in 2012 when I, like so many others, discovered there was something lost between the 3rd and 4th editions of D&D.
Gazing into our gaming past, we looked back at the wonders of old-school D&D (and other RPGs). And what we found is that the old ways were almost always better.
As with anything, returning to accomplishments of our collective past revealed opportunities for improvement, new ways of understanding old concepts, fixing problems we didn't even know were problems back then. That's what the Old School Renaissance means to me, and I owe my getting back into the hobby to all the folks who've been creating in that space, under that banner.
All this is to say that I'm shutting down Kort'thalis Publishing. I'll still be in the hobby, just not the industry, and I don't even know what to say about the "community."
Business was good in the beginning, but these last couple years got hard for Kort'thalis Publishing to survive as a hobby-business. Just to give you an example: Before covid, I was making $700, $800, sometimes over a $1,000 a month in DriveThru sales. I just received this month's check for $217. And it's been like that for awhile. My last Kickstarter failed to fund, and so I tried again (based on an X poll - the winning suggestion, a guide to gonzo for gamers). It will probably make it, but just barely.
Here's the link to that - PRIMORDIAL CHAOS: Gonzo Like A Fucking Boss!
Even 3 years ago, I was confident enough to look my wife in the eyes and tell her that big things were going to happen. All the time and energy I poured into writing, designing, self-publishing, and promotion were going to pay off big time.
Well, that never materialized and I haven't told her anything of the sort in awhile... because I don't believe it myself. Pretty much everything is going in the wrong direction, or simply not far enough in the right direction. Except for the amazing time I'm having behind the screen, gaming with friends, GMing Cha'alt with Advanced Crimson Dragon Slayer and all the little add-ons, experimental mechanics, and optional rules that evolved organically out of actual play.
So, what does all this mean? Assuming the Primordial Chaos book funds, I'm going to finish that (because it's already started and I want to get my discoveries out into the RPG world because life is short and you never know what will happen), and then stop putting out new material. No more crowdfunding or releases of any kind. But if someone wants to buy a Cha'alt hardcover, just ask. I still have a basement full of them. ;)
I will continue to organize and host VENGER CON in Madison, WI. The official dates for 2025 are Friday, July 18th - Sunday, July 20th. I'm waiting on the promotional artwork to come in the first week of September before launching the convention page.
And I'll still blog and make the occasional video. I'll remain on social media, too, but to a lesser degree. So, I guess this is semi-retirement. If, after enough time passes, it makes sense for me to return in 3, 4, or 7 years... (hopefully, not more than a decade), I'd be happy to, but now is not the time for me to keep doing what I've been doing.
If I don't stop now, my supporters will soon see me sucking dick for one-page layout money in the back alley of some rainbow-infested game store. I'd rather go out in the afterglow of accomplishments like Crimson Escalation, Cha'alt X-Cards, Alpha Blue (and her many supplements), The Gilded Die of Satanis, Under Fuchsia Ska'ai digital-comic, all the Like A Fucking Boss books, and the Cha'alt trilogy itself. Going further back, I'm still immensely proud of Liberation of the Demon Slayer, The Islands of Purple-Haunted Putrescence, Revelry In Torth, the Trilogy / Trinity of Awesome collections, The Outer Presence, etc. Check 'em all out!!!
Sure, I could point a tentacle at our shitty economy, "the OSR is dying!" folks, politics / culture war stuff (which may or may not have led to online retailers and crowdfunding sites censoring and stealth-banning via the almighty algorithm), the current necessity of slick marketing campaigns anointed by establishment approved YouTubers - the ShadowDarking of our hobby, various forces and personalities and groups overinflating RPG popularity to the point where everything is geared towards Lowest Common Denominator tourists and infused with Socialism and soy, WotC skull-fisting the b'jeezus out of D&D like Disney has done with Star Wars, or my own stubborn / arrogant notion that I make what I want the way I want and that's just how it is.
In the end, I don't care what the primary, secondary, or tertiary causes were. The rise and fall of Venger Satanis was probably inevitable, nay essential. Circle of life. Nature is healing. The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long, and I have burned so very, very brightly. Based and zoth-pilled.
It was a lot of fun in the beginning, but now the financial struggles have made it not much fun at all. So, I quit. Well, giving my 6-month notice, assuming the Primordial Chaos kickstarter funds. One last project for the road - praise the Great Old Ones. Ia! Ia! Cthulhu fhta'agn!
Before I forget, this Sunday's Inappropriate Characters is our final show - send us off with a bang! I've added some new backer rewards to the Primordial Chaos campaign (capped-off with a new Cha'alt adventure, BTW) - pledge if you can. And thanks for all your support over the years, hoss! I greatly appreciate it.
By His loathsome tentacles,
Dude, brother. What an awesome ride it has been. You can be proud of yourself. You did you, and that's the most important thing in the world. Good luck, man.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree. I got my tentacles wet, then dived in, had my fun, changed the OSR and RPG hobby forever, then successfully got out before drowning. Mission accomplished!
DeleteIt sucks to see Kort'thalis go, but you have to do what is right for you and your family. Thank you for making an awesome and entertaining setting.
ReplyDeleteIt's been my pleasure, hoss. Keep Cha'alt alive by breathing your own adventures into it... and, of course, supporting Primordial Chaos: Gonzo Like A Fucking Boss! ;)
DeleteI'm there for you, Venger. I was backer 2 for Primordial Chaos. In fact, I added a set of the full trilogy, just so I have my originals and now a spare. Since I found out about Cha'alt I've been on board.
DeleteHeck, I've even incorporated Cha'alt into wargames I've ran. You know, just to spice things up.
It's a great setting, and you definitely should be proud of what you've accomplished. If you ever publish a book 4, I'll be there!
I'm counting on it. ;)
DeleteKeep having fun doing what you do. Hopefully without the financial pressures of trying to make a living in this hobby.
ReplyDeleteIt definitely isn't a good time for small publishers at the moment. Most of the ones still around at the moment are amateur (doing it for love), rather than professional (doing it for a living), and supported by other means.
Strength through joy, hoss!
DeleteI feel bad for the other little guys trying to make it in the shadow of titans towering over them. Keep supporting the Red Room, Lamentations of the Flame Princess, RPG Pundit, and all the independent creators out there.
This is sad news. I'm glad to have found you and your creations but hoped you were in it for the long haul come what may. When you speak of that "collective banner," its been you and a handful of others under it who continue to inspire me to do what I dream.
ReplyDeleteAnd that's the thing. Collectively, there are many indie publishers out there who combined give the RPG industry giants a run for their money. Yes, there are a lot of people competing in the same space. Not everyone can be a RPG rock star. A lot of people wouldn't know a Pundit from a Red Room until I say, "Hey, lookit this!!"
I guess my point is that you enjoying doing this. It can remain a side gig. Instead of setting a high bar for success, just set a bar FOR success. Anything you put out there is a feather in your cap, and you've got a lot of feathers. You're a like.. an Indian chief at this point!
I think you could easily make a website, set up PayPal buying options for hardcovers, all sorts of options. Maybe just take a hiatus for rebranding and corporate restructuring. 😁 So you can fade into the bushes like Homer Simpson in that meme, but then jump out like an angry displacer beast whenever the time is right. There doesn't have to be a timetable or set revenue goal for doing what you love, and I'm sure the creative bug won't let you stay idle.
Yes, except Homer Simpson eating a donut... fading into a mass of writhing tentacles! One day, I hope to reopen the gates of Kort'thalis Publishing. Thanks for all your encouragement, hoss.
DeleteSee you at VENGER CON IV: Post-Modern Apocalypse!
FATALITY! YOUR SOUL IS MINE! Back to teaching Catholic school for you!
ReplyDeleteLol, indeed... Love it!
DeleteMan sucks seeing you leave. Gonna miss you. But on the other hand congratulations on a good run. I happy, you could publish so many of your ideas and at least make some profit off of them. Farewell and the Devil's Luck to you.
ReplyDeleteAnd to you, hoss. Shemha'amfora'ash!
DeleteThat's unfortunate but definitely understandable. I await your return!
ReplyDeleteAs do I.
DeleteI'm sorry to hear this Venger. I'm glad you have some clarity. I hope the next phase of your journey is swift and smooth. Be strange but don't be a stranger.
ReplyDelete100%, hoss!
DeleteGeez! Something else I love goes the way of the dodo. First comics went to shit, then movie franchises, then the games I love turn to mediocre woke bullshit! 😫
ReplyDeleteCant blame you man. Just know that "for one brief shining moment" (name that movie lol) you made a difference
May providence bless you and yours. And dont stop dreaming. I salute you, sir!
And an undulating tentacle salute back to you, hoss! I don't know what's going to happen over the next couple years, but I expect the unexpected. Always dreaming...
DeleteOH BTW, I'm going to put my money where my mouth is: I'm backing the latest Kickstarter by getting the $90 reward backer, SO THERE! Good luck Venger! May all your hit be crits!
ReplyDeleteI appreciate it, thanks!
DeleteQuestion: I know you said you're not creating NEW material, but will the Kort'thalis Publishing page still be available at DriveThruRPG.com?
ReplyDeleteYep. DriveThruRPG, Amazon, and direct sales.
DeleteDon't insult great talents like Lynch and Tarantino by comparing them to this lowlife slug.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThe reality is that the gaming community is disgusted by your toxic, hateful agenda. Many gamers on social media are celebrating this. It's truly a day of days when karma happens to someone who deserves it.
ReplyDeleteTake the hint.
Decent people don't care for your trash.
Lol. Half of America loves agenda 47. ❤️
DeleteSo, a difference of opinion is now "toxic, hateful agenda". How pathetic. If you can't win an argument, label it something it's not, or that person as well.
DeleteMany people are celebrating this? Really? Oh, you mean the echo chamber you live in. I guess if I lived on RPG.net, I'd think that as well.
No, my friend, you missed the point. Unlike you, if I see something I don't like, I just don't buy it. I don't attack the creator. He has every right to express himself artistically, EVEN IF IT'S INSULTING TO YOU.
Oh, did I mention Venger will still sell current material via Amazon, DriveTHRURPG, and direct? He's just not producing new material.
I find it ironic that the very side that wants to promote LBGTQ +whateverthefuck, gay parades at Disney, and support Hamas (OMG the irony in that alone is astounding) wants to CENSOR someone. Just for the simple fact they don't agree with his "politics" or his gaming material.
Here I thought the left was all about freedom a expression? OH wait, freedom to express what they think is correct and adheres to their agenda.
"Rules for thee , but not for me" Right?
Brad Smith, thy name is HYPOCRYTE.
Here's the thing, Brad. Freedom of speech is a two way street. That street has vehicles of all types. You may see or hear a vehicle that REALLY annoys you, like a loud motorcycle. If he's not breaking any laws, do you have the right to take him off the street? No, you don't. You can express your opinion about the loud bike. You can even protest your dislike. But don't you EVER protest that bike shouldn't exist. If he's not breaking the law, he's harming nobody... except your personal feelings.
So, enjoy your hollow victory, Brad. Venger's material will STILL be available for everyone to purchase.
And Brad, even though I don't like what you've said, I WILL DEFEND YOUR RIGHT TO SAY IT.
Wrap your head around that one.
Sorry to see you go; hopefully things will improve in a few years and you will be back then!
ReplyDeleteThanks. I hope so.
DeleteI'm flattered, hoss. In some way, shape, or form... I'll be back!
ReplyDeleteWho are you to gatekeep, Brad? I can use whatever comparison I want. You're pathetic.
ReplyDeleteLynch is a good comparison.
ReplyDeleteBeing a vampire is not what it seems like. It’s a life full of good, and amazing things. We are as human as you are.. It’s not what you are that counts, but how you choose to be. Do you want a life full of interesting things? Do you want to have power and influence over others? To be charming and desirable? To have wealth, health, and longevity some of these wealthy people you know are vampires, even a few of your celebrities. This world is being controlled by people like this who have the power to do whatsoever they want, power to convince,power to command,power to be wherever they want to be and to achieve whatever they want. These rich and powerful people have their secrets and they will never let you know. I have wanted to be like them , have powers , get rich and after so long I found one email online from one of the vampire pages in 2016 and I sent them a message,they replied and told me what to do and this is how I achieved my goal of becoming one of them. trust me i have tested life from both sides and i will tell you that vampire life is a top life, seeing yourself as a king because what you I want you to get it. You can also become one if you wish and put an end to your low life, Contact them on josedaylight6@gmail.com