Friday, August 30, 2024

Do You Believe In Unlikelihoods?


I just gave my wife the bad news... I'm not gonna quit.

After the massive outpouring of support and enthusiasm and encouragement I've received over the last few days, I realized I couldn't just turn my back on everything I've built so far.  Even taking a few years off (which is what I hoped to do) feels like I'd be abandoning folks... and, dare I say, my divine calling.

I also realized that my old way of thinking about the business and my previous expectations had to die for me to move forward.  I'm going to adapt.  For starters, I'm going to do something that many, many of my friends and backers have been urging me to do for years.

I'm going to start turning my last several PDFs into print-on-demand softcovers.  For the longest time, I saw pod as a step backwards and didn't want to face facts that current economic realities should be met straight-on.  No bullshit.  

Turns out that envy wasn't by biggest sin, but pride.

Basically, I really wanted to keep doing hardcovers, but couldn't because of all the boxes in our basement.  Instead of just doing what I should have done after Chartreuse Shadows, go the print-on-demand route, I convinced myself that I could dig my way out of this hole by releasing only PDFs and selling hardcovers here and there on the side.  

Well, that didn't work.  So, to Hell with my expectations.  Venger Satanis is not too good for pod.  I'm going to follow the sound advice of the majority and release Primordial Chaos: Gonzo Like A Fucking Boss as a pod softcover (in addition to PDF).  

Along with that, I'm also going to be print-on-demanding...

  • Advanced Crimson Dragon Slayer + Cha'alt Ascended (and whatever supplemental material feels appropriate, probably Cha'alt X-Cards and Gilded Die of Satanis).
  • Advanced Game Mastering Like A Fucking Boss
  • The Cha'alt Experience: Designing Worlds Like A Fucking Boss

All 4 of these softcovers (fulfilled by Amazon, most likely) will be available as add-ons during the remaining 5 days of the Kickstarter.

I feel like I should apologize for being so stubborn and arrogant (if you don't know what I'm talking about, see my last blog post here)... so, yeah, I am sorry.  I should have put my ego aside in order to do what was best for Kort'thalis Publishing.  However, it probably took all this agonizing and drama to realize what needed to be done.

My wife is still crying somewhere in a fortress made of unsold boxes of Cha'alt books.  Oh well, I'll make it up to Danielle in 10 years by escorting her to the crimson-carpet premier of Cha'alt: The Movie Like A Fucking Boss.  

Another thing I feel like I have to do is create an email list, so I don't have to rely on DriveThru customer emails, Kickstarter, or social media to get the word out about a particular project.  I've subscribed to a free one-month trial of Constant Contact just to see if this thing even works.  Here's the landing page - if you wouldn't mind, please subscribe!

One last thing.  While it may have seemed premature to end Inappropriate Characters, staying the course will require as much time and energy as I can spare - without shortchanging my family.  So, appearing on videos and livestreams will have to wait at least 6 months to a year.  

Thanks for reading and to everyone who reached out (both privately and on social media) since my prior announcement.  It was your passion and exuberance and love that made me reconsider shutting Kort'thalis Publishing down, and that continues to make all things possible.  :)

Game on,


p.s.  Kickstarter is almost funded, and with these new additions, I'm sure Primordial Chaos will be assured. 


  1. That's awesome news! But you can import the xls files directly from Kickstarter and slice them up anyway you choose and export thrm to anything. I've fine it, and I hate Excel with a passion! I import the addresses directly into a label maker and the e-mail listscinto Drivethru. If a cromag, legacy tech nerd like myself can do it, anyone can.

  2. That is some great news! I'm really glad you've reconsidered getting out of publishing. I think you should maybe get on some other podcasts, like you did with DoubleD. Just one off appearances to push the books and the setting.
    I've gotten you just a little closer by picking up each of the pods. Thanks for giving this another shot!

    1. No prob, thank you! I might do a few here and there, but I also need to trim away unnecessary distractions.

  3. Replies
    1. Great! I'll still focus on my few social media accounts, but this will be a viable backup.

  4. Great news! There's no shame in POD products. I'll definitely be on board for those items.

  5. Yay! I mean, I can't support your (to me) grotesque political leanings but I can sure support your game-related personal ambitions! Sadly, I can't either financially or logistically (apartment here is already full to the brim with almost 50 years' worth of RPG books and the like) help with buying actual IRL books, either hardcover or POD, but I wish nothing but the best of luck to both you and your sobbing wife. Cheers!

    1. I accept your support in spirit, hoss. And if you live in a big, liberal, Democrat-run city, stay safe... don't go out at night or alone or without protection or anywhere they sell sneakers.

    2. Haw! I live in Montreal, man! Montreal, Canada! We're a G*****n socialist UTOPIA, so far to the political left of your so-called "Democrats" that Trotsky can't even see us from his house! Anyhow, keep up the good (bad) work...

    3. Damn dude you need to worry more about your own government. Government assited self deletion is on your top 10 causes of death. Don't let comrade trudeuo catch you with a frown, they added clinical depression to the list of treatable conditions for that therapy.

    4. Treatable conditions? That's pretty fucking dystopian...

  6. Yay! Let the Weeping River of Woketard tears flow to eternity! (TM)

    Seriously though, its a shame some people wished you misfortune. Gaming is gaming, it was around before all these political/social upheavels, it will still be here when the furor dies

    "I"m really gonna miss.that wierdo" was among the first things I said when you announced you were shutting down (apologies) You're def not mainstream V, but thats part.of your charm 😁

    Stay strong "hoss" and keep plugging those stock piled hard covers til they are gone (I love mine! Might have to get a set of backups when I can lol)

  7. Glad to hear you are going to stick with it! I've always loved your old school, no bullshit sensibilities.. Especially in the current climate. Looking forward to whatever you got planned next! I'll be watching!

  8. Rock on brother! I'm happy you're not giving up. Adapt or die, and I know you will adapt.

  9. Likewise glad you're not bailing on us! Hope all goes well if not great for you in the future. Do you plan on doing any new game content/adventures etc? My girlfriend and I like oogling your books, and supporting adult content lol.

    Also like mentioned above, there's no shame in POD stuff. I recently bought a bunch of Four Against Darkness books(booklets really) from Amazon and they turned out fine enough. And for easy pick up and play potential, rules light stuff with decent to good art and ideas they're good value. Anyway, infernal hails from NV!

    1. Thanks! Yeah, new stuff coming...

      Nevada? Do you play Texas Hold'em? I miss playing every week.

  10. The stuff I've seen/heard in other spheres is to make sure you always have a copy of your customer's email (that they opted in to providing). This way if the service provider deplatforms you (or just goes under), you can import your list to a new provider. As an IT person in a previous life, make sure your backup actually is good (i.e., look at the size and contents of the file from time to time to make sure that you are getting a good copy). The file should be flat text (or a csv flat text file) so you can easily take a quick gander. With five kids in the house, I'd store an occasional copy on a thumb drive that they can't get ahold of (fire safe, safe deposit box, or the like).

  11. Being a vampire is not what it seems like. It’s a life full of good, and amazing things. We are as human as you are.. It’s not what you are that counts, but how you choose to be. Do you want a life full of interesting things? Do you want to have power and influence over others? To be charming and desirable? To have wealth, health, and longevity some of these wealthy people you know are vampires, even a few of your celebrities. This world is being controlled by people like this who have the power to do whatsoever they want, power to convince,power to command,power to be wherever they want to be and to achieve whatever they want. These rich and powerful people have their secrets and they will never let you know. I have wanted to be like them , have powers , get rich and after so long I found one email online from one of the vampire pages in 2016 and I sent them a message,they replied and told me what to do and this is how I achieved my goal of becoming one of them. trust me i have tested life from both sides and i will tell you that vampire life is a top life, seeing yourself as a king because what you I want you to get it. You can also become one if you wish and put an end to your low life, Contact them on
