Thursday, January 16, 2020

Cha'alt Hardcover Deal

This Deal Is Now Over!

This weekend only - from now until Monday morning at 10am - I'm running a special deal...

$50 for one Cha'alt hardcover or two for $75!  If you live within the USA, shipping is included.  If you live outside the USA, $25 shipping for the first book and $35 for both.

All you gotta do is send $ via paypal:

You've never seen an RPG tome of this high quality!!!

Along with the print version, you'll get complimentary digital files; just need your DriveThruRPG associated email address.




  1. Any chance to see this book in Bookdepository or Aamazon? I want to buy it and its not the extra shipping cost for Greece, but I am a afraid of taxes + customs. I have bought many of your books from bookdepository.

    1. As it happens, I'm applying to sell Cha'alt on Amazon right now. Just waiting to hear back for approval.

      What if I undervalued the book at something like $20? Would you still get raked over the coals?

  2. Actually I can't answer your question. I have paid customs for a package of $10 but no customs for another of $70. Even if you put a "Gift" sticker, doesn't make sure my wallet is safe :/
