Like the new map? I made it with my own tentacles! ;)
I was on a FB group devoted to David Hargrave and Arduin, posting something about my latest book, Primordial Chaos: Gonzo Like A Fucking Boss (now that KS backers have theirs, I'll be releasing it to the general public tomorrow morning), when I find myself embroiled in a discussion.
A dude commented on my post, letting me know that I'm no Dave Hargrave, and Arduin "wasn't as gonzo as you think." When I mentioned that things change over time, he said that I'm nowhere near as good as Hargrave.
All props and praise due to those who came before... Gygax, Arneson, Hargrave, and so on. This isn't about who's better or worse. It's about how culture moves through the decades. While there are certain factors that balance and mitigate, restrain and conserve what was, an even greater force constantly pushes things forward, making them faster, stronger, easier, more efficient, longer lasting and tastier. Yes... 3 steps forward, 1 step back. Regression and going in the wrong direction are built into "progress." In other words, it's not always a good thing. Nevertheless, we can't stop moving forward in time.
When gonzo was new and fresh, a little went farther than it does now. Sure, the odd laser-shark floating down an orange stairway can give 2024 players a minor shock, but chances are we've been there, done that, seen it all before. If you want the same kind of reaction today that you'd get in the late 70s, you have to up the ante.
Sticking with that poker metaphor, if you always play Texas Hold'em at the $1 / $2 tables, say after 20 years, it can still be quite challenging and fun. But that same rush you got at the beginning won't return until you move up in stakes to $2 / $5 or perhaps even $5 / $10 (my next personal poker goal) and beyond. Additionally, common sense strategy, not to mention optimal game theory, back in 2009 looks a whole lot different than 2024. That's because the game changes. Not like another edition, because chess and Texas Hold'em aren't changing the actual game, but the way people play changes over time.
My stuff, especially my Cha'alt stuff, might be "ahead of its time" or simply yet another "wrong direction" because it sticks out like a sore thumb and isn't all that popular. But even if Cha'alt is just garbage to certain people, it represents movement, conscious movement or evolution towards something - the next stage of gonzo, perhaps...
One of the things that resonated in me regarding the OSR was the renaissance. Taking what was and remaking it. I know the term "modern sensibilities" is so beyond cringe that I didn't even want to bring it up. Let's just say it's getting slapped with a new coat of paint.
[Same map; laminated... will be using this at VENGER CON in July]
Gonzo was amazing in the 70s and 80s, and probably through the 90s, but gonzo in 2024 is different, by necessity. Same fundamentals, but updated understanding and execution. For gonzo to survive, it can't stay the same - just like you can't put your hand into the same river twice.
Let me put it this way because I don't want folks to get the wrong idea. I love The Twilight Zone. Always have, always will. If I was creating my own show in the same vein, with the same vibe, I wouldn't just slavishly copy what The Twilight Zone did in the late 50s. I'd take that awesomeness and go even harder so that same feeling the audience had back then, they'd have today.
Ok, I'm excited to show you Primordial Chaos: Gonzo Like A Fucking Boss tomorrow morning. The artwork, the advice, the random tables, the Cha'alt adventure at the back is one of my best, and will bring your table multiple sessions of eldritch, gonzo, science-fantasy, post-apocalypse, humor, sleaze, pop-culture, and grindhouse exploitation enjoyment.
p.s. Want the hardcover Cha'alt trilogy? here's how! Want to join the Kort'thalis mailing list to stay up-to-date on what's going on in the skinematic Vengerverse? This is it!! Last but not least, I'm organizing a based-as-fuck RPG convention in Madison, WI this July. Grab your weekend badge for VENGER CON IV: Post-Modern Apocalypse!!!
I loved Arduin, but back in the day, I mostly just incorporated the fantasy bits into my D&D. Back then, I wanted my fantasy pure without any ray guns. I never explored those funky D&D modules with "The Egg" that came out of Blackmoor. I think the strength of things like Cha'alt though is that they're not just fantasy with gonzo elements. Cha'alt is definitely its own thing even though it's a combination of things. It's the Cracked Magazine of RPGs, amd the Alpha Blue covers and interior art also remind me of that type of parody. You can populate an adventure with things from Conan, Blake's 7, Metalsorm: The Destruction ofJared-Syn and Friends and it works. That plus the minimalist rules guarantee that it's not Arduin or anything else, nor should it be. You would be accused of plagiarism if it was.
ReplyDeleteYour stuff may not appeal to everyone's tastes, but you've definitely stayed true to your own brand.
I've actually had a hankering to play the newer Arduin as it was intended, but it wouldn't replace Cha'alt in scratching my multi-genre, gonzo itch. It's the one game in my collection that does that.
The first and perhaps best comment I'll read all year, hoss! Thank you, and Happy New Year!!!