Thursday, September 14, 2023

Cha'alt X-Card Trilogy Deal


Ok, here's the deal.  I need to get more hardcover Cha'alt books sold before Kickstarting Book 4 of the trilogy in January.

I also want to get my Cha'alt X-Cards into the hands and tentacles of gamers like you.  What are Cha'alt X-Cards, you ask?  A set of 8 cards, each with a different descriptor that comprise the greatest campaign setting ever made... CHA'ALT.  

It's eldritch, gonzo, science-fantasy, post-apocalypse, sleaze, humor, pop-culture references, and exploitation / grindhouse (added later, after the initial pictures were taken).

At any point in the session, a player can grab a card from the middle of the table and raise it up, letting the GM know he should incorporate a bit (or perhaps a lot) more of whatever is on the card into the current encounter, scene, moment, whatever.

EDIT: And the player who tapped the card gets a point of Divine Favor (or your metacurrency of choice) as a reward (incentivize the play you want to see more of).

So, that prisoner exchange the GM is describing suddenly becomes tinged with alienage and cosmic horror, assuming the eldritch card was tapped. Does that one convict tweaking-out have forbidden knowledge locked inside his subconscious - about to rip and tear its way out like a thousand screaming tentacles?

You see what I did there?  I just came up with that secret subplot just now, thanks to the Cha'alt X-Card prompt.  And players are encouraged to come up with their own inspirational ideas when they raise a particular card... subject to the GM's capricious whims, of course.

Anyways, I made myself a set of Cha'alt X-Cards and got to try them out.  They worked even better than expected, so now I want YOU to have your own set... and it gets even better - I'm going to handmake these 8-card sets so that you'll have custom Cha'alt X-Cards of your very own.  They'll be colorful and weird and probably low-fi art-punk as Hell.  I'm going to try a bunch of different things and let folks pick out their favorite (subject to availability).

The ones you see here on this blog post were the original prototypes.  I can and shall do better.  I'm hoping these will be cherished artifacts for years and years to come, used in various games (both Cha'alt and non-Cha'alt), and one day as ebay worthy as one of Banksy's public murals.

So, how do you get your set of 8 uniquely custom Cha'alt X-Cards?  Purchase the full trilogy of hardcover Cha'alt books at some point this month, in September, and then before the end of October, I'll mail out the Cha'alt X-Cards (you'll get the actual books days after your order).  I can't send them together because 1) I have to design and physically make them, which takes time... and 2) If I tried to send the cards along with the books, I'd lose the "media mail" discount on domestic shipping.

Speaking of which, this deal - a set of free Cha'alt X-Cards - is only good for those living in the USA.  For those living outside the USA, I can send you a set of Cha'alt X-Cards for an additional $20.

For the entire, professionally printed, gorgeous hardcover trilogy of books (that also come with the PDFs if you don't already have them), it's $130 domestic ($200 foreign).  Paypal me at:

Got a question?  Just ask...


p.s. I'm currently selling weekend badges for my midwest gaming convention VENGER CON III: Revenge of the OSR.  You should go, hoss!


  1. I already have the trilogy. How can I get the cards alone? Will you take 20usd (International postage)?

    1. At the moment, I'm only offering a set of Cha'alt X-Cards with a purchase of the Cha'alt hardcover trilogy... mostly, it's because I can't do book 4 until I get more books sold.

      Is there a gamer in your life you'd like to gift with a set? Or you could keep another set for when prices skyrocket in 10 years?

  2. I have the trilogy as well and would like a set.🙏🏻👍🏻🤘🏻

    1. I'll have several sets for sale (probably around $20) at VENGER CON III next July in Madison, WI.

  3. I did purchase an extra copy of book 1 from you way back when. Maybe I need another of 2 & 3 and can keep them all shrinkwrapped next to my Boba Fett signed by Jeremy Bulloch lol
    Maybe you can also offer the cards as a pdf and I'll print and laminate or laquer them. Scan those bad boys!

    1. I'm thinking about that option down the road.

      Also, if you can convince someone else to purchase the Cha'alt hardcover trilogy, you can claim the free gift for yourself.

  4. I will try. I'm working on some Mikeys, getting them to taste that Cha'alty Life Cereal.

    1. If they'll "eat" anything, Cha'alt might just inflame their intestinal track.

  5. True, but in the original commercial, Mikey HATED everything. And that's my hurdle. Some people poo-poo things out of hand, afraid to mount that big 'ol riding spider-lizard. We also juggle a few games in our regular lineup, as well as grapple with everyone's changing availability. So any new game has to out down strong roots. I think down the road I'll be trying some online sessions with low commitment, so maybe that will get some people hooked.

    1. I like to remind myself that I don't have to convert everyone, just a handful of individuals is enough.

  6. Large cults are unwieldy anyway. You can't have someone yelling, "POINT OF PRIVILEGE!!" during a ritual summoning.
    😠<(Kneel back down, Grognar!)
    ☝🏻😕<(But I thought we decided to go with the red tapers instead of the black..)
    😡<(It's not a committee!)
