Saturday, June 15, 2024

Crimson Ability Scores Hack


All the trolling and discussion and whatnot on social media about ability scores [3d6 in order or die trying, hoss] got me thinking about them again.

While none of the Crimson Dragon Slayer iterations use ability scores (that I can remember), I still fondly recall a time when running other peoples' OSR retro-clones that did use them.  

So, this blog post contains game mechanics for incorporating ability scores in any OSR system, including the various Crimson Dragon Slayer editions.  Come up with a list of those six... Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma.  Roll 3d6 for each - in order - and consult the table below...

If whatever you're rolling (most likely a skill-check, saving throw, attack, defense, or special maneuver) would benefit from a particular ability - all you have to do is make the claim and be ready to back that claim up with justification if the GM requires an explanation - then add the following to that d20 roll.  This modifier can be applied once per day per ability score.  For example, if a strength bonus has already been used to lift a heavy portcullis, another ability score could be implemented, if applicable, but utilizing strength again would have to wait until the next day or after a long rest.  

Attention, a point of Divine Favor can be spent to carry that beneficial modifier throughout the scene or encounter.

If the same d20 roll is penalized by a particular ability, the GM applies the negative modifier once per ability score per day.  If the modifier causes that PC to fail his attempted action, there's a 2 in 6 chance of being rewarded with a point of Divine Favor under the rubric that the Gods have a special providence for fools, drunkards, and weak-ass jabronis with suboptimal ability scores. 

  • 18 = d8
  • 16, 17 = d6
  • 14, 15 = d4
  • 8 through 13 = n/a
  • 6, 7 =  -d4
  • 4, 5 = -d6
  • 3 = -d8

Magic items, high-tech devices and priest blessings that enhance a particular ability score add d12, while those same things (magic, tech, or curses) that cripple a particular ability score subtract d12 from the d20 roll.

Yes, this means the priest class has a new ability.  Once per round, a priest can bless or curse a single aspect (ability score) of a humanoid they touch [if a priest touches an enemy combatant, that lasts one round per priest's level.  This blessing or curse goes beyond the normal range, which is why it's plus or minus d12.  Like other positive or negative ability score modifiers, this only affects an individual's particular ability score once per day; however, Divine Favor can extend either a bonus or penalty through the current scene / encounter (but not beyond the limit in rounds of a priest's level).

Even if these were official (which they're not because I'm workshopping them publicly so folks can poke 'em with sticks), they are optional rules.  Nevertheless, I would appreciate GMs playtesting this "Crimson Hack" and providing feedback.



p.s.  VENGER CON III: Revenge of the OSR is just around the corner.  Info and weekend badges available right here.  If you want the hardcover Cha'alt trilogy for your RPG collection, the gorgeous, professionally printed, limited signed and numbered tomes can be found over yonder.


  1. My printed cds has ability scores. It says its from 2015 but I don't know which version

    1. That's the 1st edition, I believe. Yeah, I haven't played that since 2015...

  2. I think part of the charm of current (A)CDS is that it doesn't have ability scores, which at first I thought was heresy until it grew on me. But I figured even then if you wanted a character who was exceptionally strong or something, you could represent that by the "noteworthy" feature or the feats in Ascended.
    The chance of reward for shleps with low scores sounds interesting.
    Having some kind of bonus seems like it would help with saving throws. Low level characters in Cha'alt have a pretty high chance of failure unless you give Advantage in certain situations.
    "Yes, rubbing the worm excretions on yourself will help you resist grappling and elrditch sorcery, but you are now twice as flammable and a lot less desirable to be around."
    Has there been Bikini Excretion Wrestling in Cha'alt? I imagine they don't have a lot of mud on a desert world.

    1. That worm excretion bikini wrestling is gold, Roger. Pure gold!

    2. Thanks! I thought for sure you already had something similar, but maybe my mind was just in the Cha'alt groove

  3. Why keep adding things when you can keep substracting things instead? I want a lean, mean, mother****ing system I can run in my sleep, not an amalgam of mismatched dinguses and doodads that I keep having to double-check on. Keep it simple, Spock! XX

    1. That is a logical assessment that sounds like it was given by Dr. McCoy. I think the elegance of a streamlined system does work very well for this game. I think though that sometimes some of us want to go back to our roots and say, "How would I implement X if I was still running Y?" I kind of like the idea of Cha'alt priests having a bless/curse though. Maybe keep that bit and also have the player describe if there's any FX, like radiant light or festering sores.

    2. You're right, of course. Thanks for the reminder. There's a reason I axed ability scores in the first place.

    3. Yeah, I might salvage the priest blessing / curse thing.

    4. Your astral form had to visit the 3D6 plane so you could be inspired to come up with that. This was like your spirit quest.. 😁
