Thursday, July 20, 2023

Seven Lavender Moon Dice of Destiny


Ok, what follows is a Cha'alt-based rule change for Crimson Dragon Slayer D20 (still a FREE PDF on DriveThruRPG), which I'll be updating next week... assuming this weekend's playtest goes well.

Because yeah, it's VENGER CON!!!  It starts tomorrow, but weekend badges are still available here.

Until then, this will serve as tentatively official.  The idea of the seven souls or soul fragments and their connection to Cha'alt's seven lavender moons had been with me for awhile, and then I was inspired by this video by Dungeon Craft.

Exploding Moon Dice of Lavender Destiny

Central to all religions on Cha'alt is the idea that every humanoid has seven souls, or rather one soul divided into seven fragments or shards (if one considers the soul to be crystalline, as it is customarily envisioned, perhaps due to the dispersed soul energy of Great Old Ones' passing filtered through the planet's many crystals - most of them subterranean and unglimpsed by humanoid eyes in centuries).  

These seven soul-shards, corresponding to the seven moons of Cha'alt, represent defining moments in a humanoid's life - the more legendary the adventurer, the greater they shall be noticed by the Gods.

Throughout a PC's life, he has seven (d6) moon dice with which to increase his chances for success.  Whenever the player wants to boost his character's die result by an additional d6, he may roll one of his seven available moon dice.

Multiple dice may be rolled in a single attempt, but once the seventh moon die has been cast, there will be no others.  Also, moon dice "explode," meaning that if a 6 is rolled, another d6 is rolled and that result is added to the previous results.  If you keep rolling 6s, you keep adding results together.

Whatever action is aided by one or more moon dice, that deed becomes a defining moment for the character.  If successful or unsuccessful, the results will be tangible, reverberating throughout his life.  This is how he will be known and remembered... affecting honor, reputation, and future prospects.

Additionally, a result of 1 means a demon moon-god holds an infernal claim upon that shard of his soul.  The demon-god may leverage a deed, task, or quest from the adventurer before his soul-shard is released.  If a PC turns his back upon the moon demon's request, he may not call upon future moon dice, and the first saving throw of every new day will be Disadvantaged.


Well, that's it... for now.  I'm looking forward to seeing if this affects play at all.  I may include some concrete mechanics for making the use of moon dice "defining" for PCs... but for now, I'll leave it intentionally nebulous.

Check back for VENGER CON updates as the convention progresses (or just after it ends).

Hope you have the best gaming of your life, hoss!


p.s. The hardcover Cha'alt sale is still ongoing - ordering details right over yonder.

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